Magic of an imperfect line

The courage to draw imperfect lines gives you power over your thoughts and freedom to create the future you desire.

You deserve to be more creative to spark up your life.

Sign up today to experience the magic of the imperfect line and realise that this is where perfection lies.


Because drawing is not just part of being human, it is our superpower!

The challenge takes you on a journey into yourself to:

– gain the courage and ability to draw and use it to improve the quality of your life;

– take time to think about your goals and habits, develop goal setting and problem solving skills;

– get in touch with your inner child, develop courage and creativity.

Most importantly, the challenge deals with one limiting belief and thus gives you the confidence to deal with other limiting beliefs that are holding you back from living the life of your dreams.


Come and joy this exclusive creativity and self-development challenge in English!


Do you believe me when I say there is an underrated technique to develop your creativity and entrepreneurship while also supporting your mental health?

Welcome to the world of Visual Facilitation. The ability to use your innate superpowers – imagination  and drawing skills.

It’s a technique that’s affordable for everyone and helps you get into the habit of sketching out your thoughts, ideas, and roadmaps. Visual Facilitation helps to be better both in everyday life and at work, because it supports effective thinking, planning and action.

Let me guide you into the world where drawing, playfulness, and creativity are part of being a human.


09- 29 January 2023

Most of the days the time is yours to choose!

Inimesed ja sümbolid


  • In Zoom and in a specially created closed Facebook group. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you will be sent a link to the Google Drive folder.
  • 3 times during a week (10,11,13; 16,17,20; 24,25,27 January) you will get a video of approximately 10-15 minutes and a small task to consolidate what you have learned and to try it out immediately.
  • Weekends are for reflection.
  • We open the challenge together on the 9th of January and finish it together on the 29th of January.
  • Every Thursday (12, 19 and 26 January) there is Q&A with Kati.
  • Practical workshops with guest experts will take place on the 18th and 23rd of January.
  • All times will be confirmed soon.

2 workshops with guests:

18th of January “Setting Goals” with Kai Oja

Kai OjaKai is a mindset & success mentor at Proctor Gallagher Institute (PGI). She helps people to become aware of their beliefs and habits which are holding them back and create the new ones so they would accomplish anything they want to live a happy life! Think into results! Kai is also a mother and entrepreneur. Kai’s passion and calling is to help people reach their goals and then a little further.

23rd of January “Creating a Habit” with Martin Mark

Martin Mark

Martin is certified Tiny Habits® Coach and his big wish is to help fellow introverts to develop themselves by teaching how to create new life changing tiny habits, so that they can improve constantly, without depending on motivation and willpower. He is really passionate about reaching the goal of bringing at least one million good habits to the world together with the extraordinary introverts.


Olen iseenda kangelane

To whom?

  • Do you long for more playfulness in your life?
  • Have you lost faith in your creative abilities?
  • Are you always putting your dreams to the background?
  • Do you want to increase your self-confidence?
  • Are you interested in self-development?
  • Are you tired of the text-based world?
  • Do you want to know how to draw and dare to draw in order to create meaning?

If so, this challenge is designed for YOU!


We will discover drawing as a tool for self-development.

  • We will find the answer to the question: what does it mean that we can all draw?

  • We will learn the Visual Facilitation technique and its use especially in the context of self-development.

  • Let’s explore together what it means to scribble yourself into a more creative, courageous and enterprising person.

You can watch daily videos and do exercises at the time, place and pace of your choice.

Suvine väljakutse

The introduction price of the challenge is 99 euros

The challenge is already in progress but you can still join us.
The discount price is 59 eur

It is also possible to get the invoice
for your company

ARTISTIC DRAWING SKILLS are not necessary. In fact- come with all your fears and limiting beliefs about it.


Even if you have artistic drawing skills and are not afraid of drawing we welcome you with open heart. There is still something new for you to learn. I am sure of it.

It is necessary to have a notebook (papers), an ink pen/black felt and some colored felts.

If you can’t attend online during workshops and Q&A then don’t worry. Everything will be recorded and you can watch it later.

All videos and materials will be available one month after the end of the challenge, i.e. until the 1st of March

At the end of the challenge, you will be more creative and confident.
You will find joy in self-expression and planning through drawing.

Kati Orav

Guided by visual practitioner, teacher and researcher Kati Orav.

Kati Orav is a visual practitioner, researcher, teacher, author and inspirational speaker, whose passion is thinking with a pencil. She believes that conscious scribbling contributes to more effective thinking, which in turn means being more successful in learning, collaborating, leading, and in whatever process life takes us. Therefore, Kati has made it her goal to promote the field of visual practices and bring it to as many people as possible. The name Magic of an imperfect line comes from Kati’s own experience. Growing up with the limiting belief that she couldn’t draw, it was the courage to draw imperfect lines that allowed magic to happen. The magic has sparked everything Kati has done, and has shared the magic with people she has met on her journey in the visual world. Kati has worked in the education system, youth work and training and has a master’s degree in educational innovation from the University of Tartu.

Kati also holds the proud title of being Estonia’s first officially awarded influential speaker

She won the impact speaker competition held as part of Impact Day (the largest sustainability festival in the Baltics) in the fall of 2022.

Her speech was about the Magic of an Imperfect Line. How we need playfulness to be more creative and mentally healthy. Drawing is one of the easiest ways to bring playfulness into our everyday life. Just allow yourself to draw imperfect lines and magic will happen.

In the background, Aveli Ladva contributes to the success of the challenge

Aveli is a primary school multi-subject teacher with 5 years of teaching experience ( currently on parental leave) and a virtual assistant just starting out. She obtained her master’s degree at the University of Tartu. Aveli is a social pedagogue by profession, a teacher of geography and informatics. As an assistant, Aveli offers added value with her knowledge of the field of education and mental support in achieving goals.

Aveli Ladva

After completion of the challenge, each participant will also receive a CERTIFICATE!

More information:

What people say about the challenge and Kati